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The Hitbox Tutorial

Let's learn the basic controls

Tracking your games

Described below are the 3 core actions you can take on a game. These actions are accessible in multiple places throughout the platform, but are most easily done via a right-click on a game.

Leave a Review

Reviewing is the fundamental action to take in Hitbox. You can review a page by right-clicking a game, or visiting the a game-page. Reviews are public and will appear on the game-page and your user-page. Reviewed games will be highlighted orange with your rating.

Mark a game as Played

Easily mark a game as played by right-clicking a game cover. You can later leave a review for that game, or simply scroll through your gaming history by visiting your played games on your profile. Played games will be hightlight green when hovering over covers.

Wishlist a game

Similar to marking a game as "Played", you can right-click a game to Wishlisted it. Wishlisted games will also appear on your profile page, allowing you to easily find your next game when the time comes. Wishlisted games will be highlighted purple when hovering over covers.

Navigation and Search

Navigating Hitbox

Your main form of navigation will be the navigation bar at the top of your screen. However, we've designed hitbox to be link-rich and allow you to easily and quickly get where you want to go. Uuser icons, game-covers, and playlist-covers throughout the platform are clickable and linked to the relevent entity. On any user's page (including your own),

Finding what you want

On the main navigation bar you will find core pages for the main entities on hitbox: Games, Reviews, Lists, and Members. On each of these pages there are some appropriate filters and sorting options to find what you're looking for. There is also a search bar, found on the navigation bar as well - here you can search for both games and users.


Playlists are a way to organize games together. You can create a playlist from the "Lists" page, or from your user page on the "Lists" tab. You can also create a new list by right-clicking a game and pressing "Add to List". Once in Edit-mode, you can search for games and easily add them to your list via the "Add" button. You can also drag and re-arrange games within your list if you'd like a particular order. No need to save, the list will be saved automatically as you change it!

Customizing your User page

There are many ways to customize your page and express your gaming habits, preferences, and history to the Hitbox community.

Bio, Picture, & Banner

You modify your basic profile, click the "Edit Profile" button near the banner of your profile page. Here you can pick a profile picture, edit your bio, and choose a game cover art for your page.

Pinning Games

Pinning games to your profile allows you to show-off your alltime favorites or the games you are currently playing. To pin or un-pin a game, simply right-click the game and click "Pin to Profile".

Navigating your page

To explore your Hitbox data, utilize the navigation bar on the left side of your screen. Here you can find your reviews, lists, plays, etc. On each page you can easly filter and sort your data with relevant options.